Train with me

balancing strength and vulnerability in your supervision practice.
36 hours of directed learning over 5 Weeks
Next cohort starting January 26th 2024
0-12pm EST
Plus Online Course Content via The Mighty Network

Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP
Founder and Clinical Lead of The Compassion Project

Therapist Bootcamp Series
Therapist Bootcamp Series
Cultivating an Anti-oppressive practice
Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP

Therapist Boot camp Series
Incorporating addiction counselling in your psychotherapy practice
Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP
Pauline is a Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor (Supervisor) and Registered Psychotherapist with a Doctorate Degree in Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education).

Therapist Boot camp Series
Crisis intervention for psychotherapists
Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP
Pauline is a Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor (Supervisor) and Registered Psychotherapist with a Doctorate Degree in Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education).

The Empowered Supervisor
Therapist Boot camp Series
Postmodern psychotherapy
Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP
Narrative/Solution Focused Approaches; Motivational Interviewing. Change based approaches Harm reduction and Low barrier psychotherapy

Therapist Boot camp Series
Healing the caregiver: Compassion fatigue and beyond
Facilitated by Pauline O'Brien, Ed.D., RP

CBT in 7 Sessions
Online course
Step by step instruction
Learn at your own pace
Lifetime access to videos and training material

Let’s Work Together
Business address
206 Locke Street South
Hamilton ON L8P 4B4
E-Mail: paulineobrienrp@gmail.com
Tel: 905-536-8830